Medicine balls are a fantastic workout tool. Perhaps their greatest asset is that they are versatile. They can be tossed, slammed, lifted, twisted, passed and rolled. There is almost no end to the variety of moves you can accomplish with the ball. They can be used for lower body, upper body and of course total body workouts. In this workout we are going to use a medicine ball to sculpt your core.
Because of the versatility of moves, the medicine ball takes your body through very functional activities. Things you do in every day life like lifting, tossing, twisting and rotating. Think of all the things your core does in a day. If you strengthen the core muscles that move you through those activities, not only do you sculpt out that awesome core of yours but you are less likely to injure your back.
The idea of completing an entire total-body workout using nothing more than an 8-pound medicine ball may not seem intimidating. But this Exercise routine is designed to help you build a rock-solid core, burn fat, and improve your sports performance.
Get ready to slam, twist, plank, toss and rotate all to help strengthen and define that beautiful six-pack! This workout is great on its own or tagged on to another cardio routine. You will need a medicine ball that is anywhere between 8-15 pounds for this workout. As always, modify as needed and when in doubt, go lighter and build your way up to a heavier ball.
For each move perform between 8-12 repetitions unless otherwise noted. Always move with slow, controlled motions, keeping the ball close to your center of gravity at first, especially during a twist.
This full-body workout will challenge your Core, Legs, Glutes, Chest, Back, Shoulders and Arms. And tests your balance and strengthen your muscles. Try it today!
- Reverse Swing
- Squat Press and Throw
- Medicine ball Shoulder Press
- Lunge With Twist
- Biceps Curl
- Medicine Ball Fly
- Triceps Extension
- Lunge With Overhead Press
- Rock and Roll Up
- Medicine Ball Push-Up
- Weighted Superman
- Medicine ball Circle Squat
- Reaching Romanian Deadlift
- Single-Leg Squat
- Rolling Push-Up
- Ab Toss Roll-Up
- Medicine ball Russian Twist
- Single-Leg Hip Bridge
- Medicine ball Toe Touches
- Medicine ball V-Ups
- Lying Chest Toss
- Lunge with Toe Touches
- Mountain Climbers
- Knee Lifts
- Medicine Ball Pullover
All the exercises are illustrated with clear photographs, easy-to-read instructions, giving you a clear understanding of what you are doing on the medicine ball. Each exercise target specific muscle groups, this means that the app will be useful as you can work through each exercise.
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